
氧/氢分析仪 ELEMENTRAC OH-p 2


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(Please order PC, monitor, balance and consumables (starter-kit, anhydrone, sodium hydroxide, schuetze reagent) separately)
Measuring ranges at 1,000 mg sample weight (further measuring range combinations on request) 
Elementrac OH-p21×O可根据实际应用选择合适的检测器数量及检测管长度,相对应的检测范围也不同 
Elementrac OH-p22×H可根据实际应用选择合适的检测器数量及检测管长度,相对应的检测范围也不同 
Elementrac OH-p22×O可根据实际应用选择合适的检测器数量及检测管长度,相对应的检测范围也不同 
Elementrac OH-p21×O+2×H可根据实际应用选择合适的检测器数量及检测管长度,相对应的检测范围也不同 
Elementrac OH-p22×O+2×H可根据实际应用选择合适的检测器数量及检测管长度,相对应的检测范围也不同 

Required accessories

PC, Monitor, Balance

88600-0006Industrial computer
71015Computer with Intel Core i5-8400 Processor, 256 GB SSD; 8 GB RAM; Windows 10 operating system; keyboard; mouse
88400-0584Monitor, TFT (23.8")
88600-0002Balance (resolution 0.0001 g)
88400-0592Laser printer

Required consumables / chemicals for first operations

88500-0019OH-Starter-kit for 500 analyses
(400 graphite crucibles, 50 outer graphite crucibles, 200 inner graphite crucibles, 50 g glass wool)
90200Anhydrone (magnesium perchlorate), 454 g 1)
90210Sodium hydroxide, 500 g 1)
Schuetze reagent, 100 gfor OH-p and ONH-p

Further options and consumables

Accessories (Hardware)

88200-2400ONH-p2 Autoloader (incl. autocleaner and vacuum cleaner)
88200-2401ONH-p2 Autocleaner (incl. vacuum cleaner)
88400-0467Chiller (SMC, 5900 W)
27000-2021Gas calibration unit ELEMENTRAC series (for calibrating hydrogen)
88200-9000Carrier gas purification furnace, without filling (please order filling and quartz wool separately)
72080Nitrogen regulator, 1 piece
72081Pressure regulator, 1 piece
88400-0610Barcode scanner


88400-0471Graphite crucibles, 400 pieces (recommended for autoloader operation)
90190Graphite crucibles, 400 pieces (for copper, brass and steel analysis)
90180Inner graphite crucibles, 100 pieces (requires outer graphite crucible 90185)
90185Outer graphite crucibles, 50 pieces


31360-2001Graphite tip, 5 pieces (for crucibles 90190 and 90185)

Capsules (required for any kind of powder analysis)

90257Nickel capsules, 3.2 x 7 mm, 100 pieces
90256Nickel capsules, 4.5 x 10 mm, 250 pieces
88400-0066Nickel capsules, pressed, 12.5 x 5 mm, 100 pieces
90252Tin capsules, 5 x 18 mm, 100 pieces

Baskets (required for oxygen and nitrogen determination in refractories)

90250Nickel baskets, 100 pieces, 1 g each
88600-0012Nickel baskets, high purity (low oxygen), 100 pieces, 1 g each

Fluxes (required for some applications)

90251Tin pellets, 454 g (for determination of hydrogen in titanium)
90800Graphite, 50 g (improves oxygen determination)
90258Nickel accelerator, 100 g (for analysis of high amount of refractories)

Chemicals (fillings for glass and quartz tubes)

88600-0028Eltrasorb, 500g (black coloured sodium hydroxide)
90200Anhydrone (magnesium perchlorate), 454 g 1)
90210Sodium hydroxide, 500 g
Schuetze reagent, 100 gfor OH-p and ONH-p
90331Glass wool, 454 g
90332Glass wool, 50 g
92610Tube of high vacuum grease, 35 g

ELEMENTRAC - additional tools

All ELEMENTRAC analyzers are equipped with a set of neccessary tools
The following list provide part numbers for replacement of worn tools and some new tools to improve handling.

Spatulas and tweezers

88400-0476Micro spatula, 1 piece, XS size
23110Spatula, 1 piece, M size
23111Spatula, 1 piece, L size
88400-0475Set with 6 spatula and 1 tweezers, for multiple weighing procedures
88400-0229Tweezers (160 mm), curved, 1 piece, for transporting pins and baskets
88400-0472Tweezers (145 mm), straight, 1 piece, for removing samples out of the ONH-p furnace
88400-0213Tongs for crucibles, 1 piece, for putting crucibles on the electrode tip

Tools for storage, transporting and weighing

88400-0477Weighing boat, 1 piece, for weighing and usage of granulates
36121Quartz boat, 74x22x10 mm, 1 piece, for weighing pins
88400-0509Metal pan, 1 piece, for storage of used crucibles, boats

Tools for cleaning and maintenance

27000-8007O-ring set ONH-p 2 (furnace)
27000-8008Maintenance kit ONH-p 2
27000-8009O-ring set ONH-p 2
71010Brush, 16 mm, 1 piece, for cleaning balance from dust
88400-0500Telescope mirror, 1 piece, for inspection of upper electrode of ONH-p/ONH-2000
88400-0473Powder funnel (plastics), 1 piece, for easy filling of chemical tubes
88400-0489Rubber plug 14x20x24 mm, 1 piece, for sealing small glass tubes like 88400-0006
88600-0027Sodium hydroxide, Anhydrone filter tube
71032Composite brush, 1 piece, for cleaning upper electrode of ONH-p furnace
71035Cleaning brush / furnace brush, 1 piece, for cleaning sample inlet of ONH furnaces
71031Metal brush, 1 piece, for cleaning graphite tip and its holder
88400-0504Cylinder brush, brass, for intensive cleaning of lower furnace
88400-0501Micro brush, 1 piece, for cleaning of ONH series furnace outlet tube
61030Allen key, 3 mm, 1 piece
61040Allen key, 4 mm, 1 piece
61050Allen key, 5 mm, 1 piece

Calibration materials

Calibration materials may show slight variations depending on the current lot.
To see the current certification please visit

Oxygen and nitrogen in steel, pins

91100-1001Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 25 – 40 ppm N
91100-1002Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 30 – 70 ppm N
91100-1003Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 150 – 250 ppm N
91100-1005Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 300 – 600 ppm N
91100-1007Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 70 – 130 ppm N
91100-1010Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, >1000 ppm N
91100-1011Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 600-1000 ppm N

Hydrogen in steel, pins

91400-1001Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 0.5 – 1 ppm H
91400-1002Steel, 100 pins, 1 g each, 1.5 – 4 ppm H

Steel, balls (H)

91110Steel, 100 balls, gold plated, 1 g each, >1.9 ppm H

Oxygen in copper, pins

91000-1003Copper, 100 pins, 1 g each, ~200 ppm O
91000-1004Copper, 100 pins, 1 g each, ~10 ppm O

Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in titanium, pins

91205-1001Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 10 – 35 ppm H
91205-1002Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 20 – 70 ppm H
91205-1003Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 30 – 90 ppm H
91205-1004Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 60 – 120 ppm H
91205-1005Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 150 – 250 ppm H
91205-1006Titanium, 100 pins, 0.1 g each, 120 – 150 ppm H

Hydrogen and carbon in titanium, pins (250 mg)

91305-1001Titanium, 100 pins, 0.25 g each, < 50 ppm H
91305-1002Titanium, 100 pins, 0.25 g each, 50 -100 ppm H
91305-1003Titanium, 100 pins, 0.25 g each, > 100 ppm H
Please note: Every analyzer requires PC, monitor, balance and some consumables (crucibles, chemicals) which have to be ordered separately

1), Hazardous material
2), Measuring ranges may vary depending on sample weight and sample material